If you are having trouble lasting in bed, using a premature ejaculation pill could help your body regain control. There are quite a few natural formulas and supplements available to help you last longer, however some work much better than others so it’s important to take some time to check out a few of the alternatives.
NOTE: Before ordering premature ejaculation pills we strongly recommend checking out the ejaculationcoach.com site and specifically this article lists natural ways you can last longer through training.
While the pills listed on this site may give you some temporary relief from premature ejaculation, the only permanent way to develop ejaculation control is through targeted training.
How Do Premature Ejaculation Pills Work?
A quality premature ejaculation pill should include a range of active ingredients which will increase your serotonin levels.
Premature ejaculation pills can be taken either on their own or in conjunction with a premature ejaculation training system such as Aaron Parker’s highly effective Complete Ejaculation Control program.
Are Premature Ejaculation Pills Worth It?
While these pills can be somewhat expensive when taken often or for an extended period, many men consider this cost is justified as it gives them the ability to have meaningful sex on a regular basis and maintain successful relationships. The cost will generally be around $40 – 50 for a container which will last one to two months depending on the dosage. However, all the pills listed below will offer a minimum of 30 days refund so it may be best to try them out in a smaller dose first to see if they are right for you.
Below we have listed some of the better products on the market:
Delay Premature Ejaculation Pills
The Delay brand is a very popular choice of pill for men suffering premature ejaculation and with good reason. Formulated by a group of health and nutritional experts, pharmaceutical scientists and sexual health professionals, DuraMale has been successfully used by thousands of men and enjoys it’s reputation as a highly trusted brand for the treatment of premature ejaculation.
Check out the Delay website here
ProSoulution+ Premature Ejaculation Pills
Pro solution is considered a premium premature ejaculation pill combining a powerful combination of herbs and serotonin activators. It has been performing extremely well in controlled trials and offers a 67 day risk free trial.
You can visit the official Prosolution+ site here
DuraMale Premature Ejaculation Pill
Duramale is also a popular choice for men looking to last longer in bed as it contains a range of ingredients to increase serotonin levels naturally.
It’s list of active ingredients include emblicaofficinalis, Argyreiaspeciosa, withaniasomnifera dunalis, anacyclus pyrethrum and myristicafragrans.
You can check out the DuraMale website here
Other Methods To Treat Premature Ejaculation
While the premature ejaculation pills listed above are a good short-term solution to premature ejaculation difficulties, a significant drawback is that they need to be taken on an ongoing basis to be effective. This can be quite inconvenient, not to mention expensive which is why many men will prefer a permanent solution.
Recently, some great advancements have been made by researchers looking into what occurs within the male body and mind during intercourse which has led to some successful training programs being developed to assist men in lasting longer in bed.
Complete Ejaculation Control
Aaron Parker has led the way with this research and has put together a very popular system. The great thing about his Complete Ejaculation Control program (downloadable as an ebook) is that once you have finished it (After 4-6 weeks) all the improvements will be permanent which means you won’t have to worry about taking any pills or applying sprays ever again.
Arron goes into a lot of detail about exactly how this system work at his site www.premature-ejaculation-relief.org (make sure to read through his “7 key skill sets” for lasting longer). You might also choose to combine taking premature ejaculation pills with this program to give yourself the best chance possible of overcoming PE in the short and long term.
You can check out the Complete Ejaculation Control site right here